Please feel free to review the Parent Handbook which can be located on your MyEBR account under Forms/ Documents.
Dear Camps Equinunk and Blue Ridge Families,
Summertime is just around the corner. It’s time to make arrangements for camp bags to get to & from camp. Please see the below information for our partners in camp trucking services.
Families in the Metro NY/NJ/CT/ PHILA and their surrounding areas should register for Century Camp Trucking by May 12.
Century Camp Trucking, LLC
Families located in Florida should register for Camp Trunk Delivery (CTD) by clicking HERE by May 12.
Camp Trunk Delivery
Families in Georgia, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC should register for Trunks to Bunks by clicking HERE by April 19.
Trunks to Bunks
(413) 344-8155
Families in Texas, California, and abroad are invited to use a carrier such as UPS, FedEx, or DHL.
Please note that trunks and duffle bags may not be loaded onto the flights or buses with campers on arrival and/or departure days. All baggage must be sent in advance. A small carry-on sized bag and sports equipment bag may be brought to camp on arrival day. In order to plan all of the essential logistics involved, it is necessary that you register for trunking services no later than Friday, May 12th, 2023.
Counting down the days,
The CECBR team
Lola Irwin – Experience Camps. Click here to learn more about Lola’s team that will be participating in the Day of Champions, a family friendly color-war event.
Annie Sherman – Swag for SCOPE. Click here to learn more about Annie’s efforts.
Dylan Bourbin & Dylan Scharf – 2023 Student Visionaries of the Year for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Click here to learn more
CECBR is continuing our partnership with Riverside Remedies in Callicoon, NY (our long-standing pharmacy for camp prescriptions) as the provider for the following medications to be administered in single-dose package form:
Daily prescriptions
Daily OTC medications
PRN (as needed) allergy medications
Daily Vitamins
* The single-dose packaged medication program is required for any camper taking the medications listed above.
The following medications will NOT be provided through this service and must either be mailed 1 week prior to the start of camp or brought with the camper on the bus:
Emergency medications such as Epi-pens, Benadryl and rescue inhalers
Daily inhalers or nebulizer medications
Allergy shots or growth hormone shots
Birth control pills
Lactaid pills or MiraLAX
Eye drops, ear drops, creams or ointments
Medications prescribed by camp physicians will continue to be called into our local pharmacies.
Detailed information on the service cost, submission of the prescription, and the “Riverside Remedies Enrollment Form” can be found at cecbr.com/meds.